Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Health benefits of Long bean for your body

Health benefits of Long bean for your body

Health benefits of Long bean for your body

Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis is a legume cultivated to be eaten as green pods. It is known as the yardlong bean, bora, bodi, long-podded cowpea, asparagus bean, pea bean, snake bean, or Chinese long bean.

Here are some of the benefits of Long bean for your body that we can get diligently consume:

1. Helps reduce the risk of stroke.
2. Preventing heart attack.
3. Improve the function of the digestive organs.
4. Controlling blood sugar levels.
5. Overcoming hypertension.
6. Reduce the risk of developing cancer.
7. Helps to overcome constipation.

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