Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

6 health benefits of eating broccoli you should know


6 health benefits of eating broccoli you should know

Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family, whose large flowering head is used as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means "the flowering crest of a cabbage", and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning "small nail" or "sprout". Broccoli is often boiled or steamed but may be eaten raw.

benefits of broccoli for health

Good for eye health
According to some studies, there carotenoid lutein in broccoli either to prevent eye disease primarily associated with cataracts. In addition, vitamin A is in the broccoli, also nourish the retina.

Regulate blood pressure
Broccoli is one of the types of vegetables that should be consumed by people with high blood pressure because it contains magnesium and calcium.

Healthy nervous system

With the high content of potassium in it, then broccoli is good for the health of your nervous system.

strengthen bones

Broccoli is high in calcium and vitamin K, which can help you to maintain bone strength and prevent osteoporosis.

Boost the immune system
Broccoli can improve your immune system because broccoli contains beta carotene, zinc, and selenium.

cleaning the skin
Want your skin look cleaner? Eat broccoli because broccoli contains glucoraphanin which is good for the skin.

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