Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2015

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Passion fruit oval like an egg. Fruit skin color varied, but generally yellow, purple, or red gold. The meat is very soft and watery fruits with small seeds are soft and edible. It was sweet, segai and very high water content.

The content of nutrients and phytonutrients
  • Sugar.
  • Provitamin A (carotenoids) and vitamin C.
  • Minerals iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium / potassium.

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Here are some Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Sources of vitamin C. Fruit Passion fruit is one of the fruits with vitamin C is very good. Consuming passion fruit meets about 50 percent of your daily vitamin C needs.

Source of antioxidants. Passion fruit is a fruit with a high content of antioxidants powerful enough against various diseases such as cancer and inflammation.

Maintain digestive health. Passion fruit useful to address a wide range of digestive problems such as constipation. This fruit is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Rich in Beta carotene. The content berkaroten the passion fruit can encourage the development of bones and teeth, tissue repair, reduces the risk of arthritis, Parkinson's disease and depression.

Rich in iron content. Passion fruit is one of the foods that contain iron is quite high. In 1 cup passion fruit contains about 4 mg of iron.

Contains folate. passion fruit is known as one of the foods that contain folic acid is good enough, folic acid works to maintain mental health and brain, and can help prevent birth defects during the pregnancy of the mother. In addition, folic acid may also lower cholesterol and improve circulation.

Help stabilize weight. Passion fruit can help in weight loss because it contains lower calories, sodium and fat. Although low in calories and fat also passion fruit is also rich in carbohydrates and natural sugars that can quickly increase your stamina after a tired activity.

Contains high fiber. Passion fruit is an excellent source of fiber. In 100 g of fruit amrkisa containing 10.4 g or 27% fiber. Fiber is needed to diet and help lower cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the fiber in the passion fruit can also help protect the mucous membrane of the intestine by reducing exposure to toxic substances in the colon as well as the binding of a chemical is the cause of cancer in the colon.

Contains high potassium. Passion fruit is very rich in potassium. In 100 g of passion fruit contains about 348 mg of potassium. Potassium is a very important component to help regulate heartbeat and blood pressure stability.

Good for asthmatics. passion fruit nutrients that can relieve an asthma attack. In addition because this fruit contains vitamin C, passion fruit also has the effect of blocking the histamine that causes asthma symptoms.

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Health Benefits of Melinjo Leaves and Melinjo Seeds

Health Benefits of Melinjo Leaves and Melinjo Seeds

Health Benefits of Melinjo Leaves and Melinjo Seeds

Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) is a species of Gnetum native to southeast Asia and the western Pacific Ocean islands, from Mizoram and Assam in India, south and east through Indonesia and Malaysia to the Philippines and Fiji.

melinjo is the cause of gout, it turns barns melinjo high levels of antioxidants. For people with gout, surely they will write off crackers from the menu cuisine. Having examined the science of nutrition experts turns melinjonya seeds have high levels of antioxidant content is very good for the body as antioxidants to penagkal free radicals such as cancer, aging, heart disease, etc.

Health Benefits of Melinjo Leaves and Melinjo Seeds

here are some Health Benefits of Melinjo Leaves and Melinjo Seeds :

Laxative Urine
Steam 50 g fresh melinjo rind and eat at once.

Drug dog bites
Wash fruit or leaves young melinjo taste, 2 cloves of garlic or onion, and 1 ginger finger. All ingredients until finely crushed into a pulp, then smeared on a dog bite wounds.

Eye diseases, anemia and bow hungry
Eating leaves and fruits that have been cooked or melinjo disayur.

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Health Benefits of Pear fruits (Pyrus ussuriensis) for your body

Health Benefits of Pear fruits (Pyrus ussuriensis)

Health Benefits of Pear fruits (Pyrus ussuriensis) for your body

The pear is any of Several tree and shrub species of the genus Pyrus / paɪrəs /, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous Reviews These fruit of trees. Several species of pear are valued for Reviews their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees. The genus Pyrus is classified in subtribe Pyrinae within Pyreae tribe.
The content of nutrients and phytonutrients
  • Sugar in bentukfruktosa.
  • Vitamin C, provitamin A (carotenoids), benefits of papaya and folic acid.
  • As an antioxidant and 3 Mineral iron, potassium / potassium, and copper.
  • Fiber.
Here are some Health Benefits of Pear fruits (Pyrus ussuriensis) for your body

1. Pears Fruit Benefits Prevent Cancer
The content of hydroxycinnamic acid found in pears can prevent stomach cancer and lung.

2. Benefits of Fruit Pears To Fight Alzheimer's
According to recent research from Cornell University, pear skins contain quercetin, an antioxidant that can fight Alzheimer's disease. So, should you eat pears with the skin.

3. Benefits of Fruit Pears to Prevent Osteoporosis
Pears contain boron which is needed by the body to retain calcium, which can prevent osteoporosis.

4. Benefits of Fruit Pears To Soothe digestion
Pectin and fiber in pears helps stop diarrhea and tannins can soothe an irritated digestive tract.

5. Benefits of Fruit Pears For Keeps you hydrated
The pear is a type of water-rich fruit that can ensure adequate intake of fluids in the body.

6. Benefits of Fruit Pears To Lower Cholesterol
Pears have a high pectin content (higher than apple). That's what makes it effective to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Pectin absorb fat in the intestines before they are absorbed through the blood stream.

7. Benefits of Fruit Pears To Boost the immune system
Pears contain many vitamins like A, K, C, B2, calcium B3, B6, minerals, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Thus, the pear is great for keeping the immune system.

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Benefits of Noni Fruit for Treating Cancer

Benefits of Noni Fruit for Treating Cancer

Benefits of Noni Fruit for Treating Cancer

Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia) is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Its native range extends through Southeast Asia and Australasia, and the species is now cultivated throughout the tropics and widely naturalised.

All parts of the noni plant can be used as medicine. As the roots can be used to treat seizures and tetanus, lowers blood pressure, drug fever, and tonic. The bark is used to cure malaria, tonic, antiseptic on the wound, or deflates Swelling of the skin. The leaves can be used to cure dysentery, intestinal spasms, dizziness, vomiting - vomiting and fever. The fruit can be used for the laxative urine, mismanagement - mismanagement, skin softener, seizures - seizures, asthma, respiratory disorders, and inflammation of the lining of the joints.
Here are some Benefits of Noni Fruit for Treating Cancer 

Polysaccharides are widely found in noni can be used to mencegakmenempelnya cells damaged / mutated into another cell, so as to prevent the occurrence of metastases
Damnacanthal, anthaquinon kind can be used to inhibit the growth of malignant cells and stop the flow of blood to the tumor tissue, so as to stop the development.
Epigollocatechin gallate (EGOg), an antioxidant flavonoid polyphenols that many terdapatr in noni can be used to prevent cell mutations and induces apoptosis in abnormal cells.
Terpenoids in noni prevent malignant cell division and induce apoptosis. One of his terpenoids, limonene which proved effective to cope with breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and leukemia. Other terpenoids, beta-carotene, helps stimulate the thymus gland to produce more sek T lymphocytes that can directly destroy cancer cells. While Ursolic acid triterpenoids also included in the class can be used to prevent abnormal cell growth of cancer.
Proxeronine, proxeroine converted in the gut into the body xeronine also produced in limited quantities is required to activate the protein throughout the cell before it is used in chemical processes of the body. Xeronine also improve the structure and normalize the function of the body's cells are damaged because basically every cell contains protein, the adequacy xeronine can repair any kind of abnormal cells.

That's what you get from consuming noni. Actually there are a lot of other noni benefits that you can get. For those of you who have children or have visible symptoms - symptoms of the cancer immediately prevented by consuming noni. Prevent early and handle existing symptoms as soon as possible. Read also various other benefits of noni on the next article.

Women Helping Women: Breast Health Collaborative of Texas

Take a handful of determined Texas women who refused to accept the terms "no access" and "uninsured," give them a little more than five years and you have the Breast Health Collaborative of Texas, a public-private partnership that works to assure that any woman with breast cancer in Texas has access to both detection and, when necessary, treatment.

Frances Arzu, founder of Pink Phuree BCS
Dragon Boat Team and "Harvey," a fund-raising
ribbon & brainchild of Susan Rathke.
That the group has been recognized both nationally and internationally comes as no surprise to me, especially after attending the organization's sixth (my second) Breast Health Summit this past week in Houston.

All the big players from the Houston Medical Center are members but a key factor of the Collaborative's effectiveness is that it may be the only place where various advocacy groups -- the people actually on the front lines with the underserved -- are members as well, from grass roots advocates for boat people, Asian, Afro-American and Latina women to the Young Survival Coalition, M.D. Anderson, Memorial Herman, Komen-Houston as well as well as professors from the University of Texas Health Science Center and School of Public Health.  All good.

Content?  The program included a number of animated and powerful panels and talks on survivorship as well as decoding health care reform and the role patient navigators will play.  During a break-out session Venus Gines (who could ever forget her name?) explained some of the Latina woman's barriers to screening and how Dia De La Mujer Latina works not against -- but through-- those fears with community-based promatoras and "health fiestas." These programs give me hope and enthusiasm for extending access one step further: from the fiestas to phone applications from web-based programs.

This is point where we as "epatients" and digital health advocates have work to do. Understanding of social media and its potential in addressing health care was fairly low in this group. More than one speaker placed blogs (like this one or  Brenda Coffee's) on the same playing field as Farmville, not as another avenue for improving access or literacy. There's much education to do on all fronts to keep the playing fields equal. If groups advocating for the underserved are missing connections via social media then we haven't yet fully completed the circle.

But thanks to the Breast Health Collaborative of Texas, we can at least contemplate what going full circle might truly mean for underserved women and their families.

Consider this example:  A working mother of three gets a call one morning from her sister, who's standing in a line for a mammogram at a health fiesta in Corpus Christi. She picks up her mother, brother and sister-in-law and off they go. There's music, food, and a place for the children to play. All four women -- who have never been screened -- now have baseline mammograms. But the other brother-in-law, the one she brought back later in the afternoon?  He was diagnosed, and successfully treated, for an early stage breast cancer.

If we add a social media component to this model an app is in place as a reminder with the location and date of  next year's fair. This data, along with any test results, are stored as EMR in a secure portal that the patient can access. If she wants, she can upload additional information from the breast health portal to her phone.*** All the information is one place for any further referral if necessary, and an entire network of people now have an entry point to the health care system.  

That works for me. Question:  do you know where to refer a friend without insurance for breast and cervical cancer screening?  This is what the Breast Health Collaborative does for women in Texas.

   #  #  #                                          

**These examples are modified from actual cases presented during a break-out session.  One of the women who attended a fiesta screening program returned with her husband, who'd been too embarrassed to have a lump he'd found in his own breast examined. In the Latina community, involving the entire family is critical.

***HIPPA compliant.  Today @chiah posted an important discussion on privacy and electronic health records  

Additional Information:
Breast Cancer Info:  Medline 
The Rose :  Breast health services -- Harris County, Texas
Lone Star Clinic: Breast health services -- Montgomery County, Texas
St. Lukes Episcopal Health Charities Breast Cancer Portal (info on breast health services across Texas)
Breast Cancer Trials 

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2015

Thomas Moores Urges "Survivors" to Use Their Experience to Human Care for Others

"The key to seeing the world’s soul, and in the process wakening one’s own, is to get over the confusion by which we think that fact is real and imagination an illusion."
Thomas Moore,
from Interview with Thomas Moore

Psychologist and author Thomas Moore, PhD., opened the fifth annual Texas Breast Health Summit in Houston today with a gentle address on the importance of healing the spirit in the wake of cancer.

"This is a soul gathering," he told the group, a mixture of survivors, volunteers and caregivers. "Those of you who have had cancer know something the rest of do not. You know what has to be done because of your experience. Your illness has taken you to a level of consciousness that others do not have. Use that change as a basis for transformation."

When people are ill, Moore explained, medicine is just one slice of the journey back to health. "We know how important the spirit is for health. We need people to stand up and speak for the things the soul needs in healing, especially in cancer."

In his writings and experience as a psychotherapist, Moore blends his studies of the world's religions, the arts and philosophy. His most well known work, "Care of the Soul" discusses ways people can deepen and enrich their lives through spiritual practise.

He said that there is something about illness that gives a person's soul, or humanity, a chance to appear. "When we are sick," he said, "something of us is revealed. We can then view our illness as an opportunity, or a rite of passage."

Moore encouraged the organizations involved to pursue alternative and holistic approaches to healing. "Let's improve the alternative/integrative approaches in a way that inspires confidence. Every year I see more progress."

His most recent book is "Writings in the Sand" and a new collection of essays will be published in next spring. For additional information on Thomas Moore go to:

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

Health care: IRL

There's nothing more energizing than being around creative people. They do what they do because it's part of their DNA. My friend Claire M (her name has been changed) is one of them. Some of her words to live by are on the left.

Right now though, Claire has more on her mind than the next beautiful thing she'll create. Her family health history includes an extensive amount of breast cancer (her mother was diagnosed at 28) and she is a colon cancer survivor. Now, at 37, she's found a palpable breast lump.

There's one more thing: Claire doesn't have any health insurance.

She lives in Harris County, Texas, home of the massive Texas Medical Center, one of the richest, most medically intensive areas in the world. Some 40 institutions make up this city within a city.

Yet according to Shern Min-Chow, co-anchor of CBS-affiliate KHOU-TV in Houston, some 30 percent of Harris County's own residents are uninsured, far from easy access to the Medical Center campuses. That's about 1.2 million people, based on current census data. The national average is 16 percent, Min-Chow told the audience at last week's Seventh Annual Breast Health Summit, presented by the Breast Health Collaborative of Texas.

Women like Claire, with medical issues that are not emergent but ARE pressing, spend days, weeks, even months trying to have one health issue thoroughly addressed. So far it's taken two months to have an appointment at The Rose, Houston's leading facility for breast health services for under-and uninsured women.

First, Claire told me, she needed to have a referral to The Rose from a private physician to have a mammogram. She doesn't have a primary care practitioner, or PCP.  So The Rose provided a referral so Claire could be referred back. Then another few weeks elapsed until she could see the doctor for the referral. This physician, in turn, was alarmed to the extent that she recommended and scheduled a stereotactic biopsy for Claire at The Rose. In turn Claire made arrangements to a friend travel to Houston so she could accompany her for the procedure.

That's where our last conversation had ended. Yesterday morning I thought about Claire while  I was looking through my notes from the conference, so I dropped her an email.  Ironically enough, the panel that Shern Min-Chow moderated was called, "Breast Cancer & Access to Care: The Texas State of Affairs." No one really has a clue. The private insurer pointed to the legislature; the public health official discussed the burgeoning workload; the think tank policy person ...just talked. If you asked anyone in the audience what was said the answer very well might have been, "it's a mess." Access to health care for the uninsured in Texas is a rudderless conversation.

What they needed on the panel was someone like Claire.

She arrived at the The Rose to find the test wasn't free, but cost $65.00. She was told that without the $65.00 she couldn't have the test. And instead of a sterotactic biopsy, where a small bit of tissue could be extracted for pathology analysis, the physician on duty that day said it wasn't on the schedule. After a mammogram, and an ultrasound, he said he couldn't see anything but that her breast were "very dense," a diagnostic problem in many younger women. He did add, as he was walking out the door, that she should probably get some "genetic testing."

And that's where it had all stopped when I talked with her yesterday. Nothing else has happened.  She applied for Medicaid to find that she made $100 too much per month to qualify. She followed the instructions to apply for a Harris County "Gold Card," following the procedure online, only to find out half-way through that instructions have to be filled out and mailed in or delivered.

In the meantime, she says, the lump is still there.

And yes, I know it's October.  We didn't have time to talk pink. We didn't have time.


Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

October 24, 2009 -- ATX LiveStrong Challenge

Packing up after an incredible ride! Wishing we could prolong the moment!

Making the Impossible: Possible

Fans of the Tour de France and Livestrong will remember the "chalkbot" campaign last summer where cancer survivors and fans posted their messages of hope, inspiration and encouragement for American hero Lance Armstrong.

The message I sent "You Make the Impossible: Possible" expresses my deep feelings about the LiveStrong Challenge ride in Austin this past Sunday. All of you helped make the impossible, possible for me and thousands of others affected by cancer.

Think about this. When I finished chemotherapy in December of l998, before I even started radiation, before I started a year long process of reconstruction and physical therapy for frozen shoulder and lymphadema, I could barely walk up a hill. I was out of breath. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to walk. My feet were still swollen from steroids that -- at best -- helped squelch nausea and at worst -- sent me spinning around like Wiley Coyote.

Like every other cancer patient before and since then, I hung on, carried along on God's shoulders and through the love of friends. Sometimes all you can do is just soldier on and get through something. That is what I did.

You stayed with me on the ride, and with me through all the phases of recovery. This past Sunday, another joyous celebration of the impossible become possible. I cycled 65 miles up and down the hills surrounding Dripping Springs, Texas, past pastures, grazing goats and horses, past incredible vistas of the beautiful Hill Country all Texans love. You supported me with your wishes, your calls, your tweets, your love and your donations. You helped me raise more than $1200 for the cancer research programs sponsored by the Lance Armstrong Foundation. You are helping me to fight this incidious disease that fractures lives.

To all of you, my love and gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Benefits of Bananas for pregnant women

Benefits of Bananas for pregnant women

Benefits of Bananas for pregnant women

A banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

Nutritional Content of Bananas

Besides being easily digested and fat-free, banana is a fruit that is rich in nutrients. Here are some of the content of bananas are needed by our bodies:

By eating a banana, you can satisfy the desire to eat something sweet without ruining your diet. The average banana contains 110 calories.

The fruit is very famous for its potassium content. With 400 mg of potassium levels in the medium-sized banana, the fruit must be consumed to maintain a healthy heart. Potassium is also known to be very good for muscle and nerve function, and maintain fluid balance in the body. Potassium in bananas is also suitable to be consumed to prevent muscle cramps after exercise.

vitamin C
As with other fruits, bananas are also rich in vitamin C. One banana contains about 10 mg of vitamin C, or about 15 percent of the daily vitamin C recommendation.

vitamin B6
Vitamin B is usually found in animal products, but the banana was also a source of vitamin B6 called pyridoxine. One banana provides 35 percent of the daily recommendation of vitamin B6. The body uses these vitamins to regenerate new cells.

Manganese is a mineral needed for healthy bones and metabolism. One banana contains 3 mg of manganese.


One banana contains about 3 grams of fiber. In addition to healthy digestive tract, fiber also we need to keep the stomach feel full longer.

The body uses carbohydrates as the main energy source. Eat a banana after a workout to restore energy. A banana after breakfast is also recommended to keep the supply of energy to survive until lunch time without a snack.

other nutrients
There are several types of minerals and vitamins contained in bananas, although the numbers are small, ie, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and E, folate, carotenoids, and amino acids.

Bananas Benefits for Pregnant Women and Mothers

For pregnant women who experience morning sick (morning sickness) can eat bananas that will help keep blood sugar levels and avoid nausea. While helping to control emotional konsisi. Besides bananas also contain high folic acid is good for the brain development of the unborn child. Even in many countries in the world is believed to be bananas temperature controllers, such as in Thailand pregnant mothers eat bananas so the baby is not born with a high temperature.

As for the women who are experiencing PMS, forget drugs pain pills with regular consumption of bananas. B6 which regulates blood glucose levels will help influence your mood.

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Benefits of Bananas for your Health

Benefits of Bananas for your Health

Benefits of Bananas for your Health

A banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

Nutritional Content of Bananas

Besides being easily digested and fat-free, banana is a fruit that is rich in nutrients. Here are some of the content of bananas are needed by our bodies:

By eating a banana, you can satisfy the desire to eat something sweet without ruining your diet. The average banana contains 110 calories.

The fruit is very famous for its potassium content. With 400 mg of potassium levels in the medium-sized banana, the fruit must be consumed to maintain a healthy heart. Potassium is also known to be very good for muscle and nerve function, and maintain fluid balance in the body. Potassium in bananas is also suitable to be consumed to prevent muscle cramps after exercise.

vitamin C
As with other fruits, bananas are also rich in vitamin C. One banana contains about 10 mg of vitamin C, or about 15 percent of the daily vitamin C recommendation.

vitamin B6
Vitamin B is usually found in animal products, but the banana was also a source of vitamin B6 called pyridoxine. One banana provides 35 percent of the daily recommendation of vitamin B6. The body uses these vitamins to regenerate new cells.

Manganese is a mineral needed for healthy bones and metabolism. One banana contains 3 mg of manganese.


One banana contains about 3 grams of fiber. In addition to healthy digestive tract, fiber also we need to keep the stomach feel full longer.

The body uses carbohydrates as the main energy source. Eat a banana after a workout to restore energy. A banana after breakfast is also recommended to keep the supply of energy to survive until lunch time without a snack.

other nutrients
There are several types of minerals and vitamins contained in bananas, although the numbers are small, ie, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and E, folate, carotenoids, and amino acids.

Benefits of Bananas for Health

Here are some benefits of bananas to your health.

1. Sources of energy
Bananas contain three natural sugars: fructose, glucose, and sucrose, which can be quickly converted into energy. Hence, many athletes like to eat bananas at the break the game to increase energy instantly.

2. Healthy heart
Bananas are rich in dietary fiber which can prevent coronary heart disease. This tropical fruit is also high in potassium, but low in sodium. So, the banana is the perfect food for preventing high blood pressure.

3. Good for blood
In addition to potassium, bananas are also rich in vitamin B6, which is essential in the manufacture of antibodies and hemoglobin in the blood. Vitamin B6 is essential in keeping blood sugar levels stable tetao.

4. A healthy nervous system
The potassium in bananas can prevent stroke. Evidently, a study showed that eating bananas regularly can reduce the 40% risk of death due to stroke.

5. Kidney Health
With the help of potassium, bananas can also reduce the risk of kidney stones associated with calcium excretion in the urine.

6. Calming
Vitamin B6 or tryptophan plays an important role in the manufacture of serotonin, which served to set the mood and calm the brain. Need a weapon against depression or insomnia

7. Overcome Anemia
Bananas contain iron, which is essential in the fight against anemia. These compounds are also important in the manufacture of hemoglobin in the body, you know. Gee, no wonder the monkey never anemic.

8. Good for brain
Bananas can increase your brain power. Approximately 20% of the body's blood flow is pumped to the heart. In addition, the brain also requires a lot of energy and oxygen to work.

9. Ulcers
Pisan also have anti-acid that calms the stomach and relieve the pain in the abdomen. Not only there, bananas can also fight ulcers (round or oval sores that occur in the stomach) to reduce acidity and stomach irritation.

10. Coping with constipation
Bananas are known for the high fiber content. Well, eating bananas into natural remedies for constipation.

Benefits of Avocado Fruit For Pregnant Women

Benefits of Avocado Fruit For Pregnant Women

Benefits of Avocado Fruit For Pregnant Women

The avocado is a tree native to Mexico and Central America, classified in the flowering plant family Lauraceae along with cinnamon, camphor and bay laurel.

Avocado Fruit trees can reach a height of 20 meters and its leaf length of 13 to 25 cm, flowers are hidden with a yellowish green color and the size of 5 to 10 millimeters. Its size varies from 7 to 20 centimeters, with a mass of 100 to 1000 grams, large seeds, 5 to 6.4 centimeters

Here are some Benefits of Avocado Fruit For Pregnant Women
Avocado efficacious to maintain the beauty of the skin to make it look more moist. Moreover, the state of the pregnant woman becomes sensitive skin due to hormonal changes.
Substances contained in the anti-aging beauty cream with high prices were also contained in the avocado to prevent premature aging
Avocados contain a variety of substances and vitamins needed in the formation of skin collagen network, besides avocado also contains nutrients iron, calcium, phosphorus, Zodium, potassium, vitamins A and C, and vitamin B complex, and E.
In addition to health benefits of avocado skin and hair are also useful to prevent Spina Bifida in the fetus. Spina Bifida is a discharge of spinal cord tissue from the back. The risk is inhibited by folic acid contained in avocado.
Folic acid is an important nutrient for pregnant women to consume the prospective baby avoid defects of the brain and spinal cord damage. Apparently yes avocado many benefits for mothers who are undergoing pregnancy

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Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women

Watermelon is a vine-like flowering plant originally from southern Africa. Its fruit, which is also called watermelon, is a special kind referred to by botanists as a pepo, a berry which has a thick rind and fleshy center.

Watermelon has a high water content, which is around 90%. Therefore, watermelon is very suitable to be consumed during the day when the day was sunny as thirst-quenching fruit.

Besides known for its fresh, red fruit and sweet taste tempting appeared to have some benefit that has not been known. Please read the properties and benefits of watermelon.
Not only to give freshness and vitamin intake to the body, it is very good watermelon all to be consumed by pregnant women.

To find out what benefits are owned by watermelon for pregnant women, here we inform the benefits of watermelon for pregnant women are:
  • Can reduce feelings of nausea for pregnant women
  • Can help reduce morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • As an addition to body fluids because watermelon has a water content of about 90%
  • Abatement of muscle cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia by 50%. Owned lycopene content of watermelon has efficacy to reduce the occurrence of preeclampsia in pregnant women
  • Relieve the symptoms of heartburn or a burning sensation in the stomach
  • Assist the development of brain, vision, muscle and immune system in the fetus
  • Make a pregnant woman's body looks more fresh and healthy
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Benefits of Papaya Fruit For Pregnant Women

Benefits of Papaya Fruit For Pregnant Women

Benefits of Papaya Fruit For Pregnant Women

The papaya, papaw, or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, the sole species in the genus Carica of the plant family Caricaceae. It is native to the tropics of the Americas, perhaps from southern Mexico and neighbouring Central America.

Here are some Benefits of Papaya Fruit For Pregnant Women :

Papaya fruit has the ability to accelerate the process of protein digestion. Digesting protein is a major problem faced by many people in their daily diet. Body in digesting proteins have limitations due to the lack of spending hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Protein content in papaya fruits are not too high, only 4-6 grams per kilogram weight of fruit. But this small amount can be almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This caused the papaya enzyme in papaya fruit is able to digest a substance 35 times larger than their own size. Digestibility of proteins reminds us to be careful to choose food, that food that contains high protein may not necessarily be beneficial to the body. What is important is whether or not the protein is easily absorbed by the body.
Papaya can break down proteins into arginine. Arginine compound is one of the essential amino acids in normal conditions can not be produced by the body and obtained through foods such as eggs and yeast. However, when the papaya enzymes involved in digestion of proteins, naturally some proteins can be converted into arginine.
Papaya can also break down foods containing protein to form various amino acid compounds that are autointoxicating or automatically removes unwanted substances formation due to incomplete digestion. High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, epilepsy and diabetes are diseases that arise because the process of digestion is not perfect. Papaya can not always be prevented, but at least to minimize the effects of
papaya fruit helps arrangements of amino acids and help detoxify the body. In this way the immune system can be improved.
Can speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. Papaya enzyme capable of breaking down the fibers of the meat, so the meat is more easily digested. No wonder when the papaya is often used as a meat tenderizer material, especially for the manufacture of satay or cooking stews.
Papaya has antiseptic properties and helps prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the gut. Papaya helps normalize the pH of the intestine so that the situation becomes normal intestinal flora.
formed in all parts of papaya fruit, good skin, pulp, and seeds. So should papaya fully utilized. In fact, for those who have digestive problems, it is advisable to eat fruit and papaya seeds.
Half-ripe fruit has a higher nutrient content than ripe fruit. But women who want to have children or are pregnant are prohibited to consume, because the raw fruit has the effect of abortion. Because the effects of this one, in various countries, such as Papua New Guinea and Peru, papaya is used as a contraceptive. Advice for pregnant women, if you want to get the properties of papaya, eat the ripe fruit only.

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